The following messages are from the FidoNet BGFAX support echo.
The messages have been sorted in a threaded fashion, with the most recent appearing first.
(Page 5/6, 144 total threads)
101.  22-Jun-97   BGFax / USR Modem / No IDs        6          
102.  20-Jun-97   BGFax / USR Modem / N             1          
103.  19-Jun-97   hello                             5          
104.  19-Jun-97   Platinum Xpress / Windows         2          
105.  19-Jun-97   BGFAX & Harmony 33.6k             4          
106.  19-Jun-97   BGFAX & Winfossil                 8          
107.  19-Jun-97   Deny Transmission                20          
108.  18-Jun-97   How to make BGFAX & FD Work       3          
109.  08-Jun-97   View.exe                          1          
110.  01-Jun-97   Printing problems...              3          
111.  01-Jun-97   2-sided printing                  6          
112.  31-May-97   Installing BG Fax                 5          
113.  31-May-97   2D compression                    5          
114.  26-May-97   BGFax & Cardinal 33.6             1          
115.  25-May-97   BGFax with Win95                 14          
116.  24-May-97   BGFAX/32                          3          
117.  22-May-97   USR - Class 1                     5          
118.  21-May-97   Registration 1.70                 5          
119.  20-May-97   $$$ & BGFAX                       2          
120.  20-May-97   usr 14.4 w/ bgfax..               2          
121.  20-May-97   Status Report                     3          
122.  20-May-97   RTC Errors                        2          
123.  20-May-97   Bad lines                         2          
124.  20-May-97   BGFAX 1.7 in NT4    01/02         2          
125.  20-May-97   RTC Not Received!                 6          

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