BGFAX 1.07 SUN 14 NOV 93 ------------------------- 0. Registered users should have already, or real soon now, be receiving a letter from me that explains the new registration logic in this release. If you have not received your letter, call me voice at 713-893-9320 to receive your new registration code. I do not have a valid address for Michael Waybright, Robin Davis, Gary Jipp, Cliff Reid, Don Appleton and Dan Mancuso. You need to send me your address so I can send you the new registration code! 1. Added /FCO mode for those of you with the new Class 2.0 USR faxmodems. NOTE: BGFAX /SEND mode still does NOT work. If /FCO does not work you you, try /FCON as a last resort. For more information, open the HELPME.ARJ file and look at the following files: USR-FD.TXT, BGFAX.USR and READ.ME 2. For those out you who hate the fax alert sound that BGFAX plays after receiving a fax, this can now be suppressed, e.g.: BGFAX /FAX C:\BGFAX 1 Z /NS Where the "/NS" means No Sound. 3. Front end people must now start the program ... BGFAX /HOST or like this ... BGFAX /HOST:14 Which will cause BGFAX front end mode to exit with an errorlevel of 6 after 14 idle minutes have elapsed. I am still planning a major overhaul of the event structure of frontend mode, but have been busy with other new features. This is a temporary solution. If you type "BGFAX" alone, it will now give you a short help screen giving some sketchy details :-) about all the / parameters. 4. For /HOST, /INIT, and /SEND modes. If you have an in=ATZ or an si=ATZ in your BGFAX.CNF files, these lines can be taken out. Now, BGFAX will always issue an "ATZ" command as the first init string performed. While I don't really like to hardcode information like this into my programs, it seems that on some fax modems, an "ATZ" while sometimes "unlock" some faxmodems after they have "crashed". (Yes, isn't it great that our modems are getting so complex they crash!) If this ATZ proves to be a major problem, I can take it out, but I don't expect it to be, as almost everyone was using an in=ATZ anyway. 5. Support for "Supra Silent Answer" added. THIS FEATURE IS NOT FOR BBS SYSOPS, THIS IS FOR MR. JOE USER. Supra Silent Answer lets you have your modem take faxes and your answering machine take messages. This is useful because you don't have to buy a $80 fax switch box. You do however have to buy an $8 "tele protector" (Part #43-107) from Radio Shack if your answering machine does not automatically cut off when you pick up an extension phone. When installing the modem, DO NOT plug the answering machine into the telephone jack on the back of the modem. Instead, do ONE of the following: a. Plug the answering machine and modem into different wall jacks (i.e., jacks in different rooms.) b. Plug the answering machine into a wall jack and the modem into the answering machine. To use BGFAX's silent answer mode, make a batch file: SILENT.BAT ~~~~~~~~~~ @echo off bgfax /host* c:\bgfax 1 z if errorlevel 1 silent.bat Where "c:\bgfax" is the directory for received faxes, "1" is the com port, and "z" means ZFAX format.